David Coulthard
Title: David Coulthard's Explainers Sting Role: Freelance Animator Description: Working on the sting for "David Coulthard's Explainers" while freelancing for Chapter 3 was a project that, despite its eventual cancellation, has found a special place in my portfolio. This was one of those projects where everything just clicked into place from the start, like a puzzle that almost assembles itself. The project involved a harmonious blend of 3D and 2D graphics, creating a visual symphony that was both engaging and visually intriguing. One of the standout features was the 3D cars with waves pulsating through them. This added an x-ray effect that heightened the high-tech feel of the animation, akin to getting a behind-the-scenes tour of a futuristic car factory. Despite the show not making it to air, the creative journey was rewarding. It was a reminder of the joy and satisfaction that comes from projects where synchronicity paves the way for a smooth and enjoyable process. This project stands as a testament to the creativity and innovation that can arise, even when the final product doesn't see the light of day.