The Maestros
Title: Goodwood Festival of Speed: The Maestros Role: 3D Animator Description: Working on the Goodwood Festival of Speed project commissioned by Chapter 3 was an incredible journey into the world of motorsport. This year's festival celebrated "The Maestros – Motorsport's Great All-Rounders," legendary racing drivers who transcended single forms of motorsport to find success across various racing disciplines. As a 3D animator for this project, my main task was to create dynamic animations of the car assembling and disassembling with the driver inside. This was accomplished using Cinema 4D, leveraging the powerful MoGraph effectors to breathe life into the scenes. An additional element of my work involved green screening, further adding depth and realism to the animations. The video series explores the various eras of the Maestros, from the daring drivers of the 1960s like Stirling Moss, Jim Clark, Graham Hill, and Jackie Stewart, to the versatile motorsport legends of today. The first episode focuses on the 1960s era, a time when drivers would often switch between F1 cars and touring cars, sometimes even in the same weekend! The project was a thrilling tribute to the Maestros of motorsport and a testament to the creative possibilities when blending 3D animation with real-life stories of motorsport history.