Title: Adidas Ultra Boost Role: 3D/2D Animator, Modeler, Designer, and Tracker Description: Working with Agile Films on the Adidas Ultra Boost project was like stepping into a bustling creative marketplace. As a 3D and 2D animator, modeler, designer, and tracker, I had the opportunity to fully explore the bazaar, picking up intriguing tasks and challenges along the way. This project had a menu that would make any creative professional's mouth water. Building a 3D street that rivaled real-world complexity, animating donuts (who knew pastries could be so dynamic?), and mimicking the all-too-familiar sight of cracked phone screens - each task was a new flavor to savor. The Agile Films team was an impressive ensemble, each member contributing their unique skills to the collective creative pot. It was like being part of a well-tuned orchestra, each instrument playing a part in creating a harmonious symphony of creativity. The shots were busy - think of a bustling city at peak hour - and this brought its own unique challenges. It was a game of visual Jenga, deciding what elements to keep and which ones to remove to maintain balance. This careful negotiation between necessity and excess was a vital part of creating a clear, compelling visual narrative. Tracking 3D elements was another part of my role, ensuring they danced seamlessly with the live action footage. This was akin to choreographing a ballet, with each performer knowing their exact place on the stage at every moment. The Adidas Ultra Boost project was a kaleidoscope of creativity, showcasing my versatile skills as a generalist. It required a full immersion into the entire spectrum of the motion design pipeline, and the result was a project as colorful and dynamic as the process that created it. A vibrant, fun, and exciting journey that reminded me of the joy and exhilaration of working in the creative field.